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What do you think? How many Disney movies can you name that have racist connotations? (check out the list of Disney movies) Articles and Video clips on Disney and Race/Racism: 1. The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters By Ben Joseph 2. Disney Introduces First First African-American Princess: Has it really taken this long? By Julie Ryan Evans 3. Stereotypes and Racism in Children's Movies By Libby Brunette, Claudette Mallory, Shannon Wood 4. Disney and How They Portray Racism through Sound Youtube Youtube 6. Women, Race and Culture in Disney Movies By Kathy Maio, Boston USA Feminist Journalist Disney Website > In this website, there is up to date information on Disney works and future projects.
For Prescholers disney.go.com/princess/princess.html > Designed by Disney, this website especifically targets young girls. You may note that all the princesses, except Pocahontas and Mulan, have animated voice and movements.
Informative Websites 2. Fact Sheet about Arab Americans 4. Detail list of Disney Animated Movies 5. Chronological List of Walt Disney Inc. Productions