

Page history last edited by Veronica Nunez 15 years, 9 months ago



         Disney movies are a beloved collection in most homes. The first animated and talking film produced by Walt Disney Inc. was Snow White in 1937. Walt Disney has produced an estimate of 45 animated movies. Some of the most popular ones are: Pinocchio (1940), Cinderella (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951), Peter Pan (1953), Sleeping Beauty (1959), The Jungle Book (1967), The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991), The Lion King (1994), Tarzan (1999) and Lilo and Sticth (2002). Many of these movies have won prestigious awards, like the Academy Award (The Oscar) and the Annie Award, as Best Animated Films, Best Songs, Lyrics or Music. Most Disney animated films have portrayed stereotypical gender roles and racial bias. For example, men are generally depicted as masculine and strong whereas women are shown as sensible, weak, and dependent of a male figure. Regarding racial bais, Disney has shown a moderate progress in including ethinc heroes and heroines like Aladdin (1992), Pocahontas (1995), and an Asian-American female figure like Mulan (1998). However, these films contain many racist connotations and a distortioned portrayal of other cultures. At the end of this year (2009), Disney will be introducing its first African-American princess, which is already undergoing scrutiny for its stereotypical portrayal of African Americans. We hope that Walt Disney Productions can improve its future media productions by taking a multicultural and anti-bias/racist approach. 


The Purpose of this WIKI Site 


            Media sources like television and movies influence the way individuals behave and perceive society. In particular, children have become one of the most targeted groups in marketing, television programming, and movies. As a result, children learn from what the media presents to them. In American society, one of the most known sources of media is Disney and its movies. In our collaborative project, we will conduct research on how Disney movies have influenced the way children perceive whiteness and racism. Each group member will select one Disney movie and do an in-depth study on its portrayal of whiteness and minorities.    


          Additionally, every group member will provide a brief summary of the film and she will identify portrayals of stereotypes and class hierarchical structures.  We will concentrate on racist depiction of characters, caricatures, whiteness, and racist dialogues. We will also pay close attention to the musical productions and lyrics of the songs in search of any subtly racial implications. We realize that the films have undergone editing over time, so we will research any editing done pertaining to race. Lastly, we will consider and give accounts on how these movies have influenced our perceptions and how its ramifications may be still be part of our daily lives. It will also be an essential part of our project to consider how we can change this trend to educate children on anti-racist practices and fairness among different groups. 



Table of Content 


1 Pocahontas

2 The Fox and the Hound

3 Aladdin

4 Mulan 

5 Dumbo 



This Wiki Site was created by Alyssa Nelson, Karin Shim, Priscilla Gee, Rachael Phelan, & Veronica Nunez Baret  

Comments (2)

Sandra Lawrence said

at 6:12 pm on May 20, 2009

Your site is set up nicely. The front page describes what we will find on the site and where we should look for it. It might have been helpful in this description to give also an overview of what was included on the sidebar and how that information could be useful as well. All pages within the site are easy to navigate and informative. I like the mini-descriptions of each of the films along with some critique; they provide some good background information and then discuss the racial issues associated with each one. The analysis was clear and useful. I was confused, though, about the Fox and the Hound - where does this film fit in with the focus of your wiki? I did not see any discussion of race or racial stereotypes in the text; did I miss something? Why was this film included? I was also interested in where you got your information about the synopses of each film and the racial critique. I saw a set of references for Pocahontas, but I did not see any for the other films. Lots of good work here; I appreciate the architecture of the site and the useful content.

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